Tuesday, July 29, 2008

On the State of Masculinity

Guys suck. I have been of this opinion for a long time now.

This is not to say that MEN suck. Men are a completely different species from guys. Men have some spark of intelligence, men revel in their masculinity, men laugh heartily and scowl fiercely, and men have complete control of themselves.

It can make me physically sick to look around myself and find that the males present are often so broken, narrow or shallow. Some will nurture just one characteristic and ignore the others, some are still lost and finding themselves, many adopt the accepted societal view on what makes a man, which I would quite like to tear into shreds. Rip it apart with bare hands and teeth and scatter it in minuscule particles on the four winds, actually.

For me, the five pillars of masculinity are: Passion, integrity, honour, intelligence and vitality. Whenever someone asks me what I want in a partner, though I flounder around on details these five always make it onto the list. Integrity, honour and intelligence are pretty self-explanatory. Passion does not necessarily mean a super romantic dinner or a good hard fuck, though both are nice. I mean more along the lines of being more emotionally loud, getting excited about things. Vitality for me covers energy and physical fitness. Granted there are still those that I consider Men who lack maybe one of these qualities, but never more than one.

Being a submissive, for me being able to control is also essential. But to quote from Gor, in order for a Man to Master a slave he must first master himself. Having all of the above really counts for nothing without having the self control to implement and maintain it.

There is more to masculinity than acting 'macho', suppressing visible emotional outbursts and following the rugby/cricket/whatever. I would much rather have a man who can burst into tears and recover with dignity and strength than one who shows no emotion, or worse just doesn't feel or understand such passions.


humanobserver said...

I admire your frankness on sexuality.....

Silken Bonds said...

Why thank you. I've had some odd reactions to this one. Its a topic I don't think should be left to behind closed doors.