Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hello 2011!

I'm so glad that 2010 is over. It brought me a lot of growth and a lot of realisations, but it has not been an easy year.

I expect 2011 to also not be an easy year. There will be lots of changes that I can already predict, and no doubt others that I don't even have an inkling of.

I tend to make simple resolutions - it helps me remember and stick to them. Last year I didn't even have one, I was just letting the year come as it would. This year, I would very much like to live my way. You'd think this would be an easy thing to do, but not for me. There have always been restrictions and barriers that I could not alter. This year, I'm tearing some down, perhaps enough to finally figure out how I want to live and to add a bit of the fun and freedom to my life I've been aching for.

I happened to be reading my mini-bio to the right there ... the one you all see when you come to my blog and which I hardly pay any attention to. I mention wanting to share here what I felt was stifled elsewhere. Then this blog got stifled too, by the fear of sharing too much, and not wanting my previous Master to see just what I was thinking and feeling ... that right there should have been a big warning. Honestly, a lot of the time that's missing wasn't that great. I shouldn't have to care who follows this.

So, here's to a year that's worth recording.