Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The World Keeps Turning

Just a quick note so it doesn't look like I've dropped off the face of the earth. Though it still feels like I have in some small way.

We moved two weeks ago. We still do not have internet connected. We are getting rather peeved about this.

I have managed to get to a public access point but I am rather limited in what I can do. I can't even reply to replies from my previous post, but a big thank you to everyone for your nice comments! (Oh, Vixen ... your FF? Sure I could find out if I could actually go see your blog ...)

Unless a miracle happens and I get internet tomorrow, there shall be no HNT. If I had been organised I would have set it up to post before we moved, but I wasn't.

So many kinky thoughts and no way to express them ...


Osbasso said...

Well, that sucks, but I'm glad to see that you hadn't given up on us! We'll be around--come back when you can!

Osbasso said...

Still here, still waiting!! :-)

Silken Bonds said...

So am I. >.< It could take up to another week and a half for my net to be connected. That is, if the account holder actually did what he says he did and got the damn process started ... otherwise it could be up to another month for me to sort out an account myself.

Mental note: stop relying on my brothers.

Anonymous said...

well we'll be here when you get up!