Tuesday, May 20, 2008

May is Masturbation Month

Masturbating is a wonderful thing. Some bloggers are finding out just how wonderful by challenging themselves to daily masturbation through the entire month, like the gorgeous Dee has (see my blogroll for her stories and results). Myself, I was well aware of the benefits of such a daily ritual. I've previously gone a week of once or twice a day a few times, though unfortunately never a whole month. Either my hormone cycle or outside influences prevent that.

The major problem I have is that to masturbate requires a minimum level of energy, horniness and ... well, just lack of 'other things' that get in the way. Frequent masturbation lifts my spirits and my general enthusiasm for life measurably, but unfortunately to get to that high I have to start off at least somewhere midway. If May hadn't turned out to be such a terrible month for me, I would have loved to have joined Dee in her challenge. The way things have fallen out though, I've only had two orgasms in a fortnight. Pitifully few, and that is during the horniest part of my cycle. Stress really affects my sex drive, and right now I have a mountain of it.

But this isn't a blog about all those 'other things'. This is a blog purely about sex, and things to do with sex, and I intend to keep it that way. Right now I just really wish things would let up enough so I felt like writing about all the stuff I want to write about!

1 comment:

Dee said...

You think I'm gorgeous? *blushes* Thank you so very much for your question in my latest progress report - I really appreciate it.

xx Dee